Last August, my kids and I took a big step in our health journey (begrudgingly by one of us) after being diagnosed in June with leaky gut syndrome, caused by heavy metal poisoning (from my amalgam fillings because it crossed the placenta). My second son has been sick on and off ever since he stopped nursing at age 3 1/2 (with IBS symptoms); so, he was used to our attempts to help his body heal (with no sugar or starches for 3-week periods). But, my oldest has had the least physical symptoms and the least reactions to foods; but, he has had an increase in his emotional outbursts and has become increasingly more sensitive to a growing number of foods (one of the early signs of leaky gut syndrome).
First, let me tell you we have been working under the guidance of our chiropractor, a naturopathic doctor, a holistic dentist, and our integrative health pediatrician and another integrative health practitioner (for me). They advised us that because allergy screenings are not 100% accurate that the elimination diet and "trial and error" methods were most successful for the ages of my children.
So, our goal has been to stop eating what is harming us (causing inflammation) and flood our bodies with nutrient-dense foods and probiotics. In this journey, we have also discovered many answers to why we are sick.
I had been praying for healing and was searching for a recipe on Pinterest when a bunch of "Autoimmune Paleo" recipes lit up the screen. I did some research and discovered it wasn't much different from what we were currently eating; but, we could not have nuts or seeds or eggs. So, I prayed some more; and, the message I got was to proceed. It also involves making sure we get enough sleep and enough sun (for Vitamin D production) and enough exercise.
So, since August, my kids and I have NOT had: sugar, eggs, dairy, gluten or any grains (rice, etc.), nuts, seeds, chocolate, beans, or nightshade vegetables.
We HAVE had lots of pasture raised meat, bone broth, organic vegetables and fermented water kefir and fermented vegetables. We also have discovered some new foods we love and enjoy, like plantains (which make great pancakes and blend great with canned salmon for salmon patties, in place of eggs) and liver pate.
We are starting to add foods back, carefully and prayerfully, so that our bodies can be healthy (and so we can maintain our health). I have felt like we have been eating too much meat and a book I am reading right now confirmed that our bodies are likely on the acidic side of the pH scale, which is probably why it seems like we have "plateaued" in our progress. We should have started adding foods before now; but, I got nervous when my oldest had a reaction to adding back ghee, which I thought would be totally safe.
I will share more of our NEW favorite recipes and some things that we will likely keep the same as we continue our journey and maintain our health in future posts.
But, for now I want to let you know a little bit of WHY we are sick. First, if we weren't going through this, we would not be able to share what we have learned with you. Second, our environment is increasingly more toxic (how many of you have a cell phone in your pocket right now?) and our soil has less and less nutrients. So, every thing we breathe, every thing we put on our body and every thing we eat affects our health. Over time, the toxins (that our bodies can't process) build up in our bodies in different places, causing health problems sooner or later, depending on each individual. Leaky gut syndrome is just beginning to be studied; but, it has been suspected, by numerous sources, to be the precursor to EVERY autoimmune disease. Literally, food particles leaked through my gut (and my children's) and started building up in our bodies, causing our immune system to fight them, causing them to reject a growing number of foods--a process we have hopefully halted.
Pray for us and I will pray for you. I believe God is leading me to become a Holistic Nutrition Counselor. I hope to share more soon. Go eat some organic vegetables!