Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Something, from nothing

I continue to try and to stretch our groceries and still optimize our healthful eating (I thought I always had, which is why it was a double bummer when my son and I got sick).  But, I often learn new ways to do both of these better.  We eat mostly organic, whole foods.  I cook "from scratch"...and, I keep narrowing the prepared foods we actually buy (I still want to learn to make cheese!).  Hidden ingredients (carrageenan, guar gum, sugar, onion powder, garlic) still affect me and cause my gut to react (literally!).

So, I LOVE that I can buy a whole organic free-range chicken, roast it and use the chicken for (at least) 2 meals for us.  And THEN, put the bones (and all the drippings), some carrot peels, the middle of the celery and other parts I discard, 1 T. apple cider vinegar, some kosher salt, and some black peppercorns in my crock pot for 24 hours and get bone broth!  Bone broth!  It is super healthy, has loads of vitamins (especially for those of you that can add onion and garlic) and has those all-important probiotics!  I usually get at least 3 quarts from 1 chicken (bones), which I can then use in soups, in quinoa, and with mashed cauliflower for MORE MEALS!  That's SOME something from NOTHING (what I would have composted/discarded). 

When time is up for the bone broth, I just spread a cheesecloth in my colander and ladle everything from the crock pot over it.  I then pour the broth into Mason jars and store it in the fridge (I almost always use it within a week, especially since it is soup season!).  But, if I were freezing it, I would likely just leave extra room at the top for the contents to expand and use it within a month.

I also just started making almond milk.  I put 1 cup of raw almonds in 4 cups of filtered water (we have a Berkey) overnight.  In the morning, I discard the water, dump the almonds in my Cuisinart food processor, add 2 pitted Medjool dates (for sweetness), and pour in 4 more cups of fresh filtered water.  I dump everything out over my handy-dandy colander, covered in cheesecloth, squeeze out the excess and "voila"--almond milk!  I always reuse the almond "pulp"; and, I have found more and more recipes to use it best.  Many people just recommend drying it out in the oven at 200 degrees.  I don't like things to take long or are too hard; so, I am still experimenting with the best recipes and ways to reuse it.  I have previously just made some paleo granola bars with it.  I have also tried drying it out (but, again, that takes time and tending...and, sometimes my timing could be off, so...).

The frugal and healthy sides of me find these two recipes easy and VERY satisfying!
How about that?  Anyone have any whole food ideas to share?  I would LOVE to make my own water kefir for more of those healthy, food-based probiotics! 

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