Friday, July 31, 2015

The Challenge Report

I am actually surprised to report that NO ONE--not my 6 year old, not my 9 year old--complained about not watching videos or doing any electronic entertainment for the entire month.  It is strange...and awesome...the power of "a challenge".  Did I mention that my husband and I did not watch videos all month either?  To be fair.

There were many times I was tempted to "treat" them with a video because they were doing so well.  But, I abstained; and, I believe we were all the better for it.

Some pretty cool things happened this month.  My kids sought me out--to tell me a story, to play with me, to tell me about their picture, to tell me what is funny in a book they are reading.  I loved overhearing their many conversations with each other about whatever they had cooked up in their imaginations.  I loved that they made time for their baby brother.  I loved that they did their chores without any reward (how many times have a said, "no electronics until your chores are done"?). I loved that they did not become obsessed with binge watching a show they like on Netflix (ugh).  I love that we did much more together than it seemed we had before (bike rides, games, walks).

So, I like (love!) all of those things.  I was feeling disconnected.  And, I feel we need to continue to nurture and build on our connection/s.  So...

It's hard to decide what to do now.  We have one day decided...on the first of August, the boys do not have to do chores before they watch a video (their one "free" day).  And, we decided 2 hours was a decent time so that they could watch a movie if they wanted. 

I don't know if we will subscribe to Netflix again.  I feel like it is less we just mindlessly search for something to watch.  The boys weighed in at dinner regarding all of this.  We will likely just have 3 videos (or 2 hour slots) per week--one for the family, two on their own.  For tomorrow, we rented, "Annie" (the newest version).

Did I mention the reward?  More of what we love.  Each other!  We told them that we would have a family fun day and asked what that looks like.  They want to go to the beach; so, we are going to try to make that happen in the next couple of weeks.  We might also surprise them with a trip to the drive-in theatre (which they, nor I, have ever been!).  It depends on what's playing.  Or, a trip to recreate our wedding engagement at Navy Pier, with a picnic in the park and a ride on the Ferris Wheel.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Challenge

So, we got Netflix a few months ago.  I thought we would like the educational documentaries.  I do...but, I don't think anyone else has watched nary a one.

Other than one free day/week (considering making it 1-2x/month), my kids have to earn 1 hour of screen time after they have:  played outside, finished their chores and completed their schoolwork.  I feel like that is generous; but, I may be out in left field on that.

We don't have cable TV and we don't get any free TV channels.  We do have a tablet and a laptop and one TV for programs and movies we want to watch.  The only thing my husband misses is sports events; but, he often checks scores on his favorite teams and somehow doesn't seem like he is missing anything at all.

And still, I feel like our family needs to deepen our connection...

So, I proposed a challenge to my family last week:  1 month (31 days) of no screens (for entertainment).  I told them our reward would be a super family fun day (everyone voted for the husband voted for Hawaii...I WISH!).  But, I was surprised there were no complaints! 

We will see how we do for a MONTH; but, so far (day one), so good!