I am an optimist. But, I am also a realist. I take delight in focusing on the good things; but, it does not mean I do not see the bad things.
Doing what I do--reading, observing, experiencing--I have sensed a renaissance of sorts coming upon us. In fact, it has already begun. I feel like people are more "in tune"--to themselves, their families, nature. I feel like more people are paying attention. I feel like more people are taking responsibility for their lives. I feel like no one can stop it.
There are many factors that have enabled this "perfect storm". For one, the media bonanza about all things "green" in the last few years has placed a microscope over our everyday tasks. Thank goodness! It was about time! I love learning new ways to be "green"...which, to me means being more frugal, reusing more, and, becoming more aware of where things come from and where they go.
Another recent development is the downturn in the economy. This has forced us to focus on what is most important to us and pay attention to how we spend our money. This has forced us to make smarter and more informed choices (hopefully).
Besides these things, based solely on observation, I have noticed that the "lost" generation is now "found." And, the next generation is smarter and more worldly than I will ever be (thanks to the internet).
I look forward to embracing this renaissance. I want to continue to pare down and live a simpler life with my husband and sons. I enjoy focusing on what is most important.
I want to leave this world a little better than I found it for the sake of our children and grandchildren . I want to take responsibility and do my part.
I like recalling a Native American proverb that hits home every time, "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
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