Friday, September 11, 2009

Green Transportation

My husband has vast knowledge about historical events. He also has a way of bringing to light information that helps everything make sense. For instance, I often complain about our country's antiquated rail transportation system (especially compared to Europe and Asia); so, he told me that after the war, the U.S. dedicated their efforts toward building superhighways because America was going to be the "land of the automobile". While that is, in fact, what America has become; it doesn't make sense to me that our country has not chosen to advance and therefore diversify our transportation options.

So, I am delighted to read about a recent push in regard to rail technology in America. Rail is the least expensive transportation method to maintain; and, the high-speed electric rail cars that are already in use elsewhere have zero emissions--a vast difference from traditional automobiles and airplanes. If only we could go around the world on trains!

I look forward to the day when rail transportation in the U.S. is easier and faster (i.e. better) because I believe it will revolutionize the way we think about transportation and the overall effect on the environment. I hope to be riding one of those trains with my kids and, soon!


  1. Do you think it is worth the projected price tag of $600 billion dollars, just for rail that will replace existing lines in major urban areas and only at the speed of 100-110 miles per hour (Amtrack currently goes 79 mph).

  2. Yes. First and foremost, it is way more costly (and less probable) to undo what carbon emissions does to our environment. Second, it is worth what rail transportation has the potential to save us in continuous road repair. I don't have exact numbers; but, I know that road maintenance is one of the largest expenditures in every state.
