Monday, November 30, 2009

Organic Food Choices

There are some foods that we always buy organic.

I have spoken with a few friends recently about why we buy organic foods. First, we try to avoid "the dirty dozen" (the fruits and vegetables that absorb the most chemical pesticides). When we don't have access to organic foods or if they are too expensive, experts advise to at least try to find organic alternatives to the "dirty dozen" (the first 12 on the list found at

I have to buy organic peaches. For a few years now, I have discovered that when I eat non-organic peaches, my lips get red, itchy and swollen. I really don't want to know what they might be doing to my insides. The same thing happens when I eat non-organic apples, but to a slightly lesser degree. We eat a lot of apples in our house; so, we always try to buy organic apples, applesauce and apple juice.

We buy organic carrots and celery because they are readily available nearby and they aren't much more expensive than non-organic alternatives. I wish it were easier to find fresh organic berries because we love berries.

We always try to buy organic lettuces, as well.

We buy organic peanut butter (we like Smuckers natural). It has been proven that peanuts absorb a very high level of pesticides.

We have a great resource for organic free-range eggs. We also have a friend who raises cows (we will have to get a larger freezer!).

We feel like we eat a lot of dairy and need to buy more than just organic yogurt. It is so difficult to justify the cost of a gallon of organic milk (and, for some reason, I am sensitive to ultra-pasterized dairy). The more we learn about ourselves and our food and our earth, the more we try to do what is best.

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