We have had one laptop computer for a couple of years. Just one. My husband uses it a lot for work, even taking it with him to his office at times. I use it for our household needs and for fun.
Our computer serves as a source of entertainment because we also don't have cable television. So, we watch hulu.com or network websites to catch up on our favorite shows. There have been a few times when I have felt frustrated because I want or need the computer when my husband needs it. But, thankfully, those times are few and far between.
Last November, we sold our old second car. We knew it still had a lot of life left in it (to be able to sell it) and we also knew that we would not be using it much in the winter, as we were away in Mexico for a month. So, we went down to one car at that time. Did I mention we do not have any public transportation to speak of in Ottawa, IL (I think a Trailways bus comes through a couple of times a day)? So, this seemed harder than it actually is turning out to be.
I actually (most of the time) ENJOY only having one car. I enjoy not having to maintain two cars, keeping track of stickers, oil changes, even gas! I do wish that our car was more fuel efficient; but, we do need the space (in our Honda Pilot) for the third row for the car seats and my dad and his walker! Having one car does enable us to be more efficient overall-we combine trips and errands whenever we can. We also have become more active as my youngest is approaching 2 years old-we ride our bicycles around town more and my husband even jogs home from the office when we have the car!
I'd say that having one computer has taught us to better manage our time and to share (yes, even us grown-ups need some lessons every now and again) and that having one car has enabled us to be healthier and more efficient! Less really IS more!
We are a 2 computer household. I dont think that will change soon. However, I really think it is great that you are down to one vehicle. We tried it a couple times over the years, but were unable to make it work. If gas does not come down soon, we may try it again. There are just so mauch time and resources wasted on having two vehicles. good job for making it work Melissa.