I overheard my 7-year-old son playing with his "space guys" (Star Wars hand-me-downs); and, I was surprised at his use of the word, "torture." I asked him where he heard, saw or read that. He "did not remember."
My mind went into all different directions. I was thinking about this show I watch on my computer, called, "Scandal", and how I hate watching what they portray as torture. I was also thinking about all of the beautiful things Nelson Mandela taught us in his lifetime--all the amazing things he did without violence. Which also brought to mind what Martin Luther King, Jr., taught/preached/did in his life without violence (and why he chose that way).
I just can't help thinking that some people want to be able to control what happens to them and their families (and their country) SO BADLY that they would hurt someone to protect someone else. I just can't help thinking that doesn't make sense.
I don't know what the answer is when someone is trying to hurt you or someone you love. I don't know what we are SUPPOSED to do. I don't know what I would do. I know that I would not know how to live with myself either way (letting something happen to someone I love OR hurting someone else).
It hurts enough when I make a mistake with words, which is a passive form of HATE/violence. In our divided country, we have not come very far from the age of Julius Caesar.
My sons and I are reading from, "The Story of the World"; and, we just finished the chapter about how the Senate of Rome wanted to make sure Julius Caesar did not become "too powerful". Former friends of Caesar (members of the Senate) plotted to kill him and succeeded.
I can't be the only one seeing how similar this is to what is happening in our country today. Our nation is divided and many people in our government are plotting against our leader. Is it possible that they think President Obama will become "too powerful"? I don't know. What I have witnessed is hate and division. Throughout history, countries divided NEVER win. History repeats itself.
It is in that spirit that I am still hopeful.
Thinking about life in terms of Jesus (as in, "what would Jesus do?"), I don't believe he would choose hate with words or actions/violence. Look what He did for us. LOOK what he did for us.
In this season of advent, I am looking forward to a world without violence. I am anticipating a world without war. I am dreaming of Christ's momentous return. I feel His time is near.
After all, the next chapter in "The Story of the World" (after the chapter describing the reign of Augustus Caesar) is, "The birth of Christ". We decided to wait until the week before Christmas to read it.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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