Thursday, October 6, 2011

Conscious Choices

Say that ten times, fast.

I have been (slowly) realizing that I cannot get everything done (that I would like to do) in a day. So, each time I have a moment to do something, I have to stop and ask myself, "what do I most want to do right now?" and, "what will make me the happiest?" I have been making an effort to do this (not always, but I try) the past couple of months and it really helps me to be more accepting of the things I can not get to.

I used to think I was pretty good at prioritizing tasks...but, not with two young boys, my father, my husband and my home to tend. Our health and happiness are the two most important things to me; so, most of the time my choices are to that end.

I have surprised myself sometimes, too. If I have some "quiet" time because my youngest is asleep and my oldest is occupied, I have chosen washing dishes over reading (one of my favorite things!) because having a clean kitchen would make me happier (in that moment).

I am grateful for each time I have a moment to choose what will make me really works.

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