My father used to frequently answer, "fair to middlin" whenever he was asked how he was doing. I don't remember him ever saying anything else. Or, maybe it was just because people were momentarily silenced contemplating the meaning of his answer...and, I noticed and remembered that. Not sure.
What I do know is even though "fair to middlin" generally means "mediocre" or "so-so" (I think he said that, too!), I miss it. I miss the dad I remember. Now, all I get is a "good" or "pretty good". That's good, I guess. But, from my German and Irish dad who always used to say "goodnight" or "goodbye" in many languages, I miss it. (tears are shedding)
My dad has lived with us for nearly four months now and I have only gotten two variations, one "arrivederci (goodbye)" and one "buenas noches (goodnight)".
For those of you who do not know, my dad had a stroke in November 2008 (at that time, I was pregnant with my youngest). He has gained back almost 100% of his physical abilities; but, he has stroke-induced dementia symptoms. So, the dad I know is not often fully present and his short term memory is very poor. But, being here with us, he seems to be doing better and we are able to care for him better (than when he was living in assisted living). For that, I am grateful. I'll have to try to get him to ask me how I'm doing so that I can answer, "fair to middlin".
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